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lundi 26 juillet 2010
Naruto 504 Manga
Naruto 504
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dimanche 25 juillet 2010
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Episode Bleach 280 streaming
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Scan Naruto 503 [ナルトネタバレ] 503 Spoiler et prediction
Naruto 503 Spoiler Citation
Minato réussit à toucher Madara avec son Rasengan
Et il parvient également à lui apposer un sceau pour le Hiraishin (jutsu de téléportation).
La main gauche de Madara est blessée.
Madara tente d'enlever le sceau met le kunai est planté trop profondément.
Minato utilise Keiyaku Fuuin sur Madara. Du coup Madara ne peut plus Kuybi
Le sharingan disparait des yeux de Kyuni.
On voit la mère d'Iruka. Elle protège Iruka d'une attaque.
Le père d'Iruka fuit.
Iruka : pére et mére se battent encore..."
Konoha est sur le point d'être détruit.
Kyubi sort de Konoha.
Sandaime passe à l'attaque.
Madara dit "Kyubi sera mien tôt ou tard."
Iruka est emmené hors du Champ de bataille par un jounin.
Le père de Kurenai', Kakashi, Kurenai, parlent à Gai. Nidaime parle à Hiruzen et Danzou.
Kyubi lance un céro, Minato invoque Gamabunta
Minato parle à Kushina à propos du scellement Kyubi. Il utilise un jutsu de téléportation pour l'envoyer (surement Kyubi) très loin.
Minato apparait auprès de Kushina et Naruto.
Minato n'a plus de Chakra.
Kushina "les chaines de Chakra du destin"pour capturer Kyubi.
Naruto pleure à cause de cette agitation.
Minato et Kushina se font des confessions d'amour (comme c'est mignon lol).
Minato pleure ( tel père tel fils).
Kushina met du chakra dans Naruto de façon a ce qu'elle puisse le rencontrer un jour et elle utilise un sceau "8 divinations" sur Naruto0
Pendant que Minato fait le Shiki Fuujin.
Kushina arrête.
Minato va sceller la moitié de Kyubi en lui même, et l'autre en Naruto.
Minato fait des incantations (des mains) !
Shiki Fuujin !
Et il parvient également à lui apposer un sceau pour le Hiraishin (jutsu de téléportation).
La main gauche de Madara est blessée.
Madara tente d'enlever le sceau met le kunai est planté trop profondément.
Minato utilise Keiyaku Fuuin sur Madara. Du coup Madara ne peut plus Kuybi
Le sharingan disparait des yeux de Kyuni.
On voit la mère d'Iruka. Elle protège Iruka d'une attaque.
Le père d'Iruka fuit.
Iruka : pére et mére se battent encore..."
Konoha est sur le point d'être détruit.
Kyubi sort de Konoha.
Sandaime passe à l'attaque.
Madara dit "Kyubi sera mien tôt ou tard."
Iruka est emmené hors du Champ de bataille par un jounin.
Le père de Kurenai', Kakashi, Kurenai, parlent à Gai. Nidaime parle à Hiruzen et Danzou.
Kyubi lance un céro, Minato invoque Gamabunta
Minato parle à Kushina à propos du scellement Kyubi. Il utilise un jutsu de téléportation pour l'envoyer (surement Kyubi) très loin.
Minato apparait auprès de Kushina et Naruto.
Minato n'a plus de Chakra.
Kushina "les chaines de Chakra du destin"pour capturer Kyubi.
Naruto pleure à cause de cette agitation.
Minato et Kushina se font des confessions d'amour (comme c'est mignon lol).
Minato pleure ( tel père tel fils).
Kushina met du chakra dans Naruto de façon a ce qu'elle puisse le rencontrer un jour et elle utilise un sceau "8 divinations" sur Naruto0
Pendant que Minato fait le Shiki Fuujin.
Kushina arrête.
Minato va sceller la moitié de Kyubi en lui même, et l'autre en Naruto.
Minato fait des incantations (des mains) !
Shiki Fuujin !
Naruto 503 Spoiler Summaries
Credit: Ohana @2ch
Verification: Confirmed
Translation : Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed
Translation : Yagami1211
503 ミナトの屍鬼封尽!!
イルカ とーちゃんとかーちゃんと一緒じゃなきゃ~~~~
イルカ とーちゃんとかーちゃんと一緒じゃなきゃ~~~~
紅パパ 紅 カカシ ガイを説得。二代目がダンゾウ、ヒルゼンに言ったようなこと。
ミナト、クシナに 少しの間九尾を抑えていてくれと言いながら
503 : Minato’s Shiki Fuujin !
Minato managed to hit Madara with Rasengan.
And he manages to mark Madara with a Hiraishin Tag.
Madara’s left hand is wounded.
And he manages to mark Madara with a Hiraishin Tag.
Madara’s left hand is wounded.
Madara tries to remove the tag but the kunai wound is deep.
Minato use Keiyaku Fuuin on Madara. As a result, Madara can’t control Kyuubi anymore.
The Sharingan type motion disappear from Kyuubi’s eyes.
Iruka’s mother is seen. She protects Iruka from attack.
Iruka’s father is running away.
Iruka’s father is running away.
Iruka : “Father and mother are still fighting …”
Konoha is on the verge of being destroyed.
Kyuubi is going outside Konoha.
Sandaime goes on the offensive.
Madara says “The Kyuubi will be mine sooner or later.”
Iruka is removed from the battlefield by a jounin.
Kurenai’s father, Kakashi, Kurenai, are talking to Gai. Nidaime is talking to Hiruzen and Danzou.
Kyuubi fires a Cero ( LOL ), Minato summons Gamabunta
Minato talks to Kushina about sealing the Kyuubi again. Using a Space/Time Ninjutsu, to moves him far, far away.
Minato appears where Naruto and Kushina are.
Minato is out of chakra.
Kushina uses “Chakra chains of doom” to capture Kyuubi.
Naruto is crying from all the commotion.
Kushina is dead serious about dealing with the Kyuubi to gain some time.
Minato and Kushina goes on a love confession.
Minato cries ( Like fater, like son )
Kushina uses her chakra to she can meet Naruto someday and use a 8 Divination Seal Type on Naruto.
While Minato will Shiki Fuujin.
Kushina stops.
Minato will seal only half of the Kyuubi in himself.
And then seal all of it on Naruto’s 8 Divination Seal.
And then seal all of it on Naruto’s 8 Divination Seal.
This kid will open up the future for us. He’s our kid after all.
Minato makes the hand signs !
Shiki Fuujin !
Shiki Fuujin !
Naruto 503: Against All Odds!
(Emphasis on Minato crashing the Rasengan onto Tobi’s backside is placed. After the Rasengan fades, Minato notices that whitish liquid is oozing from of the spiraling wound like imprint on Tobi’s back. Minato dips his fingers into the discharge and lifts it up and studies it.)
Minato: “Is this even blood?” (Minato then shakes his fingers to rid himself of the strange liquid. Minato then glances at Tobi’s mask.)
Minato (in thought): “Based on what I’ve seen today, his skill set matches the history books. But he’d have to of been a geezer if he lived today. It’s best I get a conformation on who he was.” (Minato takes off Tobi’s mask however we aren’t shown who it is because the camera focuses from an obscured angle.)
Minato: “?!” [We see the back of Tobi until otherwise stated.]
(Before Minato can react, Tobi head butts Minato in the face, stunning him. Tobi quickly withdraws a Kunai from his cloak and impales the right hand of Minato. Disgruntled and disoriented, he is unable to counter as Tobi snatches Minato’s signature Kunai from his left hand and uses it to impale both of Minato’s hands together as the Kunai sticking through his right hand reaches through his left and vice versa due to Tobi clamping both of Minato’s hands together.)
Minato: “*grunt*.” (Minato tries to pulls his hands apart but more blood gushes out.)
Minato (in thought): “How can he still be alive? So he just sat there and played possum…” (Tobi picks up his mask and slips it back on.) [Ok, we now can face Tobi.]
Tobi: “What will you do now? Without your hands you can’t use your jutsu, now you’re as good as mine.” (Tobi rushes forward with a flying thrust kick, Minato somehow slips out of the way to avoid it but as Tobi lands he sidekicks Minato in the side, causing him to slide across the ground.)
Tobi: “You still have those inhuman reflexes, but without your hands your sense of balance is way off.” (Tobi rubs the injury on his back.)
Tobi (in thought): “To think I’d be injured this badly, but I’ll end things now.” (The scene switches over to the village. Konoha is barricaded in a huge cage by Enma’s shape shifting ability. In the distance, on the outskirts of Konoha, Sarutobi faces off against the Kyuubit. It seems Sarutobi has managed to force the Kyuubi away from the village. Behind Sarutobi are two elite Anbu and a med ninja. One of the Anbu is carrying an urn.)
Anbu 1: “3rd, how’s your stamina holding up?”
Anbu 2: “Should we assist you?”
Med nin: “Should I heal you? You used a lot of chakra getting the fox out of the village?”
Sarutobi: “Neither, I’m not ready to turn in the towel, not yet.”
Sarutobi (in thought): “Heh, heh, heh. I’m surprisingly calm, even against the Kyuubi. Seeing that Namikaze go off to fight lit some of those dying fires from my youth; alright, it’s time this old coot shows these kids something cool.”
(Sarutobi makes the shadow clone jutsu handseal and produces two shadow clones, one on each side. As the Kyuubi swipes down near their location, the anbu and the med ninja leaps away. Each of the Sarutobies pops some smoke. As the smoke clears, one Sarutobi is runs up the Kyuubi’s right arm, while another is runs up the left.
Another is onTop of the Kyuubis head. They each pull out a tag with unique markings on them. They each place them on the corresponding locations, jumps off, lands onto the ground and make a handseal. Sealing encryptions appear and restrains the Kyuubi with use of strange markings, disabling the Kyuubi's movement. The scene switches over to a lone Sarutobi who rushes to the Anbu’s location. He gets there, much to the shock of the others.)
Anbu 1: “What, why are you here?”
Sarutobi: “The Kyuubi doesn’t realize a thing. In the smoke I actually created another shadow clone in my place. I came back here to fetch the urn.” (The scene switches back to the Kyuubi, Sarutobi and the aide arrive to where the Kyuubi is bind down by shadow clones. Sarutobi readies the urn as the aide in back are amazed at Sarutobi’s ability to subdue the beast )
Anbu 1: “Spectacular… Minato-Sama is the best new thing Konoha has to offer, but the 3rd hasn’t slacked off with age either.”
Anbu 2: “This is something for the record books.”
(Sarutobi sits the urn down, makes a handseal and then shouts a phrase.)
Sarutobi: “Ok Fox! BEGONE!” (Sarutobi is attempting to seal the Fox within the urn, it is apparently working as Sarutobi sweats heavily.”
Sarutobi (in thought): “Despite putting on a strong face, I’ve already exhausted so much of my chakra. Splitting my chakra into four, using that sealing technique, and trapping the Kyuubi within the urn, it’s likely this will wear me out.” (Not a second sooner Tobi appears, smashes the urn and then warps away, much to the shock of Sarutobi. Sarutobi falls to his knees in defeat.)
Sarutobi: “NO, WHAT HAPPENED!” (Sarutobi turns to face to Anbu and the med ninja only to find that they are dead. The shadow clones restraining the Kyuubi can’t do it anymore as Sarutobi’s chakra takes a dip. The shadow clones vanish and the Kyuubi prepares to smash the defeated Sarutobi however, in the blink of an eye, Minato appears and takes Sarutobi to satey, somewhere in the barricaded Konoha.)
Minato (in thought): "Thank goodness the 3rd kept one of my Kunai."
Sarutobi: “Minato?” (Minato’s hands are bloody and torn up.)
Minato: “You protected the village from the Kyuubi, you’re still a hero old man.”
Sarutobi: “The Fox, I didn’t stop the fox, it’s still on a rampage.”
Minato: “Leave the Fox to me. You did all you could, now it’s time I do all I can. I’m the Hokage now, so I know what it is that must be done.” (Sarutobi looks into Minato’s face and sees the faces of all the previous Hokages. The scene switches over to Tobi, who is rushing away.)
Tobi (in thought): “That was all I could do. I’ve used up almost all of my chakra with controlling the Kyuubi and going head to head with the 4th. I was reckless. But at least, it’s the 4th’s job now to weather the storm. A parting gift from yours truly.”
Naruto 503: Against All Odds!
(Emphasis on Minato crashing the Rasengan onto Tobi’s backside is placed. After the Rasengan fades, Minato notices that whitish liquid is oozing from of the spiraling wound like imprint on Tobi’s back. Minato dips his fingers into the discharge and lifts it up and studies it.)
Minato: “Is this even blood?” (Minato then shakes his fingers to rid himself of the strange liquid. Minato then glances at Tobi’s mask.)
Minato (in thought): “Based on what I’ve seen today, his skill set matches the history books. But he’d have to of been a geezer if he lived today. It’s best I get a conformation on who he was.” (Minato takes off Tobi’s mask however we aren’t shown who it is because the camera focuses from an obscured angle.)
Minato: “?!” [We see the back of Tobi until otherwise stated.]
(Before Minato can react, Tobi head butts Minato in the face, stunning him. Tobi quickly withdraws a Kunai from his cloak and impales the right hand of Minato. Disgruntled and disoriented, he is unable to counter as Tobi snatches Minato’s signature Kunai from his left hand and uses it to impale both of Minato’s hands together as the Kunai sticking through his right hand reaches through his left and vice versa due to Tobi clamping both of Minato’s hands together.)
Minato: “*grunt*.” (Minato tries to pulls his hands apart but more blood gushes out.)
Minato (in thought): “How can he still be alive? So he just sat there and played possum…” (Tobi picks up his mask and slips it back on.) [Ok, we now can face Tobi.]
Tobi: “What will you do now? Without your hands you can’t use your jutsu, now you’re as good as mine.” (Tobi rushes forward with a flying thrust kick, Minato somehow slips out of the way to avoid it but as Tobi lands he sidekicks Minato in the side, causing him to slide across the ground.)
Tobi: “You still have those inhuman reflexes, but without your hands your sense of balance is way off.” (Tobi rubs the injury on his back.)
Tobi (in thought): “To think I’d be injured this badly, but I’ll end things now.” (The scene switches over to the village. Konoha is barricaded in a huge cage by Enma’s shape shifting ability. In the distance, on the outskirts of Konoha, Sarutobi faces off against the Kyuubit. It seems Sarutobi has managed to force the Kyuubi away from the village. Behind Sarutobi are two elite Anbu and a med ninja. One of the Anbu is carrying an urn.)
Anbu 1: “3rd, how’s your stamina holding up?”
Anbu 2: “Should we assist you?”
Med nin: “Should I heal you? You used a lot of chakra getting the fox out of the village?”
Sarutobi: “Neither, I’m not ready to turn in the towel, not yet.”
Sarutobi (in thought): “Heh, heh, heh. I’m surprisingly calm, even against the Kyuubi. Seeing that Namikaze go off to fight lit some of those dying fires from my youth; alright, it’s time this old coot shows these kids something cool.”
(Sarutobi makes the shadow clone jutsu handseal and produces two shadow clones, one on each side. As the Kyuubi swipes down near their location, the anbu and the med ninja leaps away. Each of the Sarutobies pops some smoke. As the smoke clears, one Sarutobi is runs up the Kyuubi’s right arm, while another is runs up the left.
Another is onTop of the Kyuubis head. They each pull out a tag with unique markings on them. They each place them on the corresponding locations, jumps off, lands onto the ground and make a handseal. Sealing encryptions appear and restrains the Kyuubi with use of strange markings, disabling the Kyuubi's movement. The scene switches over to a lone Sarutobi who rushes to the Anbu’s location. He gets there, much to the shock of the others.)
Anbu 1: “What, why are you here?”
Sarutobi: “The Kyuubi doesn’t realize a thing. In the smoke I actually created another shadow clone in my place. I came back here to fetch the urn.” (The scene switches back to the Kyuubi, Sarutobi and the aide arrive to where the Kyuubi is bind down by shadow clones. Sarutobi readies the urn as the aide in back are amazed at Sarutobi’s ability to subdue the beast
Anbu 1: “Spectacular… Minato-Sama is the best new thing Konoha has to offer, but the 3rd hasn’t slacked off with age either.”
Anbu 2: “This is something for the record books.”
(Sarutobi sits the urn down, makes a handseal and then shouts a phrase.)
Sarutobi: “Ok Fox! BEGONE!” (Sarutobi is attempting to seal the Fox within the urn, it is apparently working as Sarutobi sweats heavily.”
Sarutobi (in thought): “Despite putting on a strong face, I’ve already exhausted so much of my chakra. Splitting my chakra into four, using that sealing technique, and trapping the Kyuubi within the urn, it’s likely this will wear me out.” (Not a second sooner Tobi appears, smashes the urn and then warps away, much to the shock of Sarutobi. Sarutobi falls to his knees in defeat.)
Sarutobi: “NO, WHAT HAPPENED!” (Sarutobi turns to face to Anbu and the med ninja only to find that they are dead. The shadow clones restraining the Kyuubi can’t do it anymore as Sarutobi’s chakra takes a dip. The shadow clones vanish and the Kyuubi prepares to smash the defeated Sarutobi however, in the blink of an eye, Minato appears and takes Sarutobi to satey, somewhere in the barricaded Konoha.)
Minato (in thought): "Thank goodness the 3rd kept one of my Kunai."
Sarutobi: “Minato?” (Minato’s hands are bloody and torn up.)
Minato: “You protected the village from the Kyuubi, you’re still a hero old man.”
Sarutobi: “The Fox, I didn’t stop the fox, it’s still on a rampage.”
Minato: “Leave the Fox to me. You did all you could, now it’s time I do all I can. I’m the Hokage now, so I know what it is that must be done.” (Sarutobi looks into Minato’s face and sees the faces of all the previous Hokages. The scene switches over to Tobi, who is rushing away.)
Tobi (in thought): “That was all I could do. I’ve used up almost all of my chakra with controlling the Kyuubi and going head to head with the 4th. I was reckless. But at least, it’s the 4th’s job now to weather the storm. A parting gift from yours truly.”
tags: naruto 503, naruto 503 spoiler, naruto 50
One Piece 460
One Piece 460
Recevez les dernières nouvelles de ワンピース One Piece 460 第 话 spoiler photos et les résumés.
Il sera affiché ici après sa sortie.
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Naruto shippuden 171 Vostfr
Profitez Naruto shippuden 171 Vostfr, n'oubliez pas de recommander Naruto shippuden 171 en ligne avec vos amis, Voici le lien de Naruto Shippuden episode 171 streaming :
samedi 24 juillet 2010
Date de sortie de Naruto 170 et 171
On attend tous la sortie de la saison 170 de Naruto shippuden , l'épisode sera diffusé ici quelque minute aprés sa sortie dans le 29/07 , donc n'hésitez pas a revisitez le blog pour étre toujours a jours avec votre préférable Serie de mangas Naruto shippuden 170 et 171
Naruto shippuden 171 vostfr
Cette vidéo met du temps à se charger...
( 25secondes )
vendredi 23 juillet 2010
Lala laaroussa la final ce Vendredi
Lala laaroussa la final ce Vendredi
ce Vendredi le final de lalla laarossa 2010 il nous reste deux couple l'un vient de Meknes qui est composé de Sultan et Widad alors que l'autre couple vient de Safi qui est composé d'un couple qui se compose d'Ahmed et Mouna
alors qui va gagné aujourd'hui ???
Chapitre Naruto 503
Voici le résumé du chapitre 503 de Naruto Manga :
Chapitre Naruto 503
Minato réussit à toucher Madara avec son Rasengan.
Et il parvient également à lui apposer un sceau pour le Hiraishin (jutsu de téléportation).
La main gauche de Madara est blessée.
Madara tente d'enlever le sceau met le kunai est planté trop profondément.
Minato utilise Keiyaku Fuuin sur Madara. Du coup Madara ne peut plus Kyubi.
Le sharingan disparait des yeux de Kyuni.
On voit la mère d'Iruka. Elle protège Iruka d'une attaque.
Le père d'Iruka fuit.
Iruka : "Père et mère se battent encore..."
Konoha est sur le point d'être détruit.
Kyubi sort de Konoha.
Sandaime passe à l'attaque.
Madara dit "Kyubi sera mien tôt ou tard."
Iruka est emmené hors du champ de bataille par un jounin.
Le père de Kurenai', Kakashi, Kurenai, parlent à Gai. Nidaime parle à Hiruzen et Danzou.
Kyubi lance un céro, Minato invoque Gamabunta
Minato parle à Kushina à propos du scellement Kyubi. Il utilise un jutsu de téléportation pour l'envoyer (surement Kyubi) très loin.
Minato apparait auprès de Kushina et Naruto.
Minato n'a plus de chakra.
Kushina "les chaines de Chakra du destin"pour capturer Kyubi.
Naruto pleure à cause de cette agitation.
Minato et Kushina se font des confessions d'amour (comme c'est mignon lol).
Minato pleure ( tel père tel fils).
Kushina met du chakra dans Naruto de façon a ce qu'elle puisse le rencontrer un jour et elle utilise un sceau "8 divinations" sur Naruto0
Pendant que Minato fait le Shiki Fuujin.
Kushina arrête.
Minato va sceller la moitié de Kyubi en lui même, et l'autre en Naruto.
Minato fait des incantations (des mains) !
Shiki Fuujin !
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